What is Shopify Plus? Is It Different from Shopify?


Shopify is a globally trusted platform for launching online stores. Many big and small businesses use it to successfully run their eCommerce outlets. It is a proven platform for designing and building an ecommerce business, as it offers user-friendly interfaces, customizable themes, and dedicated support.

However, once the business starts growing with more customers and a greater number of transactions, your current plan may lead to unsatisfactory performance. That’s where you need to upgrade to Shopify Plus, an upgrade plan that lets you handle over 10,000 transactions per minute, operate with unlimited staff accounts, and much more.

But what is Shopify Plus? And what is the difference between Shopify and Shopify Plus? Is it worth updating this plan?

Let’s find out. Starting with the first things first.

What is Shopify Plus?

Shopify Plus is a premiere plan offered by the Shopify eCommerce platform designed to meet the needs of growing businesses. It comes with various functional features exclusively designed to tackle the demands of large business enterprises with a grand level of scalability.

This allows store merchants to scale the business quickly and build band values among the customers. There are various out-of-the-box Shopify Plus features that make it ideal for launching your business online. A Shopify Development Company can tailor unique online stores to leverage these functional features and benefits. 

Shopify Plus Features 

  • It allows the retailers to add up to 9 additional stores.
  • B2B features include viewing bulk purchases, bulk shipping policies, and the collection of wholesale-only products.
  • This Shopify account requires businesses to pay a meager 0.15% per transaction.
  • Owners can add multiple team members to the admin dashboard, which means there are unlimited staff accounts.
  • Capability to handle nearly 10,000 checkouts per minute.
  • You can assign level-based permissions to your collaborators, partners, and admins.

Which Businesses Should Opt for Shopify Plus? 

  • Enterprise-level businesses 
  • B2B companies
  • High-growth merchants (fashion, furniture & decor, electronics, etc.)
  • Luxury brands

Let’s examine the difference between Shopify and Shopify Plus to clearly understand which platform version would better fulfill the latest requirements.

Shopify Plus vs Shopify – What are the Key Differences?

You must note that everything you get with Shopify is also available with Shopify Plus. However, that’s not all; Shopify Plus offers a great deal of added or extra features, like Shopify Flow, Shopify Scripts, abandoned checkout recovery, etc.  

eCommerce Plan Shopify Shopify Plus
Designed for Small and mid-scale businesses Large-scale online stores and enterprises
Number of staff accounts You can manage up to 15 staff accounts You can make an unlimited number of staff accounts.
Transaction Fee The fee varies between 0.5%-2%. The transaction fee is minimal in Shopify Plus, standing at 0.15%. 
Support You can access official customer services and a limited number of courses in Shopify Academy. Apart from official customer services, you also have access to:

  • Shopify Plus Partner Program
  • Dedicated customer support
  • Higher number of courses on Shopify Academy
  • Merchant success program
Shopify Cost The cost for major plans lies in the range of $24.00 to $299/month and also includes transaction fees in Shopify payments.  The Shopify Plus cost starts at $2,300/month, with a minimal transaction fee.

Having studied the Shopify Plus vs Shopify comparison, you must have clear insights on which one is a better option. However, do you know? How Shopify Plus benefits can help you stay ahead in the eCommerce race?

Here are 5 Shopify Plus Benefits for Running Online Stores

1. Headless eCommerce

Shopify Plus comes with a headless ecommerce API. This means the site functionality is decoupled from the content. The result is greater flexibility in the personalization of the ecommerce website. A Shopify development company can tailor unique, appealing frontends that drive sales and revenue.

2. Access to 100 themes

One of the key Shopify Plus benefits is the power to use 100 themes. This means Shopify store merchants can use existing themes and experiment with fresh ones. This allows greater flexibility with A/B testing, as you can check the store’s performance with different themes. 

Customizing a theme can seem tricky for non-technical users. Benefits of Hiring Shopify developer include seamless personalization of themes according to a business industry niche, selling products, and others.

3. Shopify App for Combined Listings

Online store merchants can use a combined listings app with Shopify Plus. This means multiple variations of the same product will be displayed to users when they search for it, enhancing the conversion rate of the selling items.

For example, when you group black shoes of multiple designs into a combined listing, the chances of website visitors finding the best fit are higher.

4. Sell Across 200 Locations

As per Shopify regulation, a location is defined as a place where merchants can sell products, stock inventory, or ship and fulfill orders. The regular Shopify POS pro plans limit the number of locations to a mere 10. In contrast, Shopify Plus processes across up to 200 locations for boosting online sales. It also supports nine expansion stores Shopify for internationalization, separate physical locations, etc.

5. Advanced Analytics

All versions of the eCommerce platform come with good analytic tools, but Shopify Plus offers access to ShopifyQL Notebooks. This means access to more detailed analytics and the power to create custom reports.

Further, it helps with a sound understanding of the various aspects of business performance. The platform also lets you integrate custom apps to manage online marketplaces efficiently.

Wrapping Up

The final verdict of Shopify vs Shopify Plus varies on business requirements. Shopify plans like Basic, Shopify, and Advanced can work in your favour for all the stores that lie in small to mid-level businesses.

However, if you are leading a growing business or want to launch an enterprise-grade online store, go with Shopify Plus. You can choose one over the other based on the precise requirements. 

However, it’s essential to build unique online stores that help customers with a seamless shopping experience. Hire Shopify developers to create high-performance online stores.

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