Benefits of Hiring a Shopify Developer for Your E-Commerce Store


Starting an online store can be both exciting and intimidating for merchants. One critical decision is whether to go the DIY (do-it-yourself)option or hire professionals. The Shopify eCommerce platform provides merchants with both options. 

DIY is a smart option when you have a limited budget and are building your business. However, sooner when your business starts getting popular and yields more than 500 orders a month, it’s time to build or upgrade to a professional ecommerce site.  

Choosing to hire Shopify web developers with an in-depth understanding of the eCommerce platform powers you with high-quality services. They can build websites that offer excellent performance, pass core web vitals, and help secure good visibility over search engine result pages (SERPs).

Who are Shopify Developers?

Shopify developers are programmers with hands-on experience tailoring bespoke online stores using the Shopify eCommerce platform. They are well-versed in the platform and can help anyone build a successful e-commerce business by harnessing its potential features.   

There are various benefits of Shopify like customisation as per requirements, centralized inventory tracking, 24/7 support, capability to sell in multiple languages and currencies, and more. However, lacking expertise in the technology platform can lead to loss of some of these benefits.

Choosing a Shopify development company helps unlock the platform’s desired features. The agency or developer can design custom functionalities, integrate official Shopify apps, and more to make your business compliant with the latest needs and industry requirements.

Roles and Responsibilities of a Shopify Developer

A Shopify developer can help you with the following:

  • Shopify Store Setup: Whether you are building a single-page, multi-page, or dropshipping store, experts can transform it into a high-yielding Shopify store.
  • Theme Development and Personalization: A Shopify developer’s theme development skills help you build appealing UI UX designs that revolve around key products and services. This helps you stand out in the eCommerce crowd and build brand values. 
  • Integrating Shopify Apps: Developers can extend your store’s functionalities by integrating apps from the official Shopify store. Third-party API integration helps power the website with new functionalities in less time. 
  • Migrating your Existing Store to Shopify: Whether the current store is based on Magento, WooCommerce, PrestaShop, or another platform, web developers can ensure a smooth migration to Shopify.
  • Store Maintenance and Support: Experienced Shopify developers can update the website with the latest security patches, find and eliminate bugs, review and modify code, and more to keep your store valuable to shoppers.  
  • Speed and Performance Optimization: Slow page speeds heavily impact online traffic and sales. A Shopify development company can conduct site audits and eliminate key issues, enhancing web page loading in less than three seconds and boosting performance.
  • Upgrade to Shopify Plus: Having outgrown your plans, developers can help you update the digital store to Shopify Plus or a suitable ecommerce platform version. 
  • Shopify SEO: Optimizing the Shopify store for search engines involves changing the site structure, updating meta titles and meta descriptions, integrating keywords into the product descriptions, and more.  

Having discussed the developers’ key skills, it’s time to inspect: Why Should You Hire Shopify Experts? Certain key advantages include enhanced websites, reduced time and cost, savings, and minimized downtime. 

Here are 7 Ways Hiring Shopify Developer Benefits Businesses

1. Optimum Quality Websites

There’s a contrasting difference between an online store designed by professional Shopify developers and an amateur person.

The stores designed by an experienced developer offer an optimum balance of beautiful web designs combined with intuitive navigation of the functional features.

This helps to drive UX and offer a friendly shopping experience to the website visitors, further driving sales and revenue.

2. Time and Cost-Effective Option

There are various claims that Shopify stores can be set up by anyone within a few hours. White, the claims are indeed true, but that does not mean websites built fast are the websites built right.  

The right eCommerce website has to offer a host of features that appeal to the end users.  Hiring Shopify developers allows businesses to focus on the core business needs or operations while experts build a unique digital store. 

Moreover, an experienced developer can easily identify the right functional features and build a robust code with optimum security. This helps to save time and money otherwise required in frequent rebuilds. 

3. Say Goodbye to Downtime

The point of launching a retail business online is to sell 24/7, and the worst nightmare of online store merchants is downtime. While most Shopify stores run seamlessly, adding too many features or third-party APIS can lead to undetected issues and cause downtime.

A professional Shopify developer helps to tackle the issues by continuously monitoring, identifying potential issues, and resolving them proactively. 

4. Build Fast-Loading & SEO-Friendly Store

Speed performance is a major concern among eCommerce clients. According to research, globally, an average of 50% of website visitors expect the webpage to load within three seconds of clicking on it.

Experienced Shopify web developers can build fast-loading websites by using lazy loading, limiting third-party JavaScript files, compressing images, and other techniques. Additionally, pages with optimum speed performance have better SEO and search engines rank them higher.

5. Robust Security

Maximizing online security is essential for an ecommerce business. Failing to protect the sensitive data of the customers and business can lead to poor UX and drive away the customers. 

Experienced developers can power the Shopify store with necessary measures like SSL certificates, authorization & authentication, 2FA, and more. This helps to ensure high security for the online business against malware, spyware, and various online threats.

6. Shopify Apps Integration

The right developer can help you smoothly integrate third-party APIs into your online store. Shopify app integration helps you add more functional features and enhance business performance efficiently.

7. Gain SEO Assistance

A Shopify expert can fine-tune your search engine optimization techniques and help you secure good ranks on the search engine result pages. The key aspects of Shopify platform SEO strategies revolve around enhancing the site structure, user-friendly meta titles and descriptions, keyword-enabled product descriptions, etc. 

Wrapping Up

That was all about the benefits of hiring a Shopify developer. Although there is an upfront cost, the long-term benefits help keep the business running smoothly. 

At Presta Web Developer, we have a team of proven Shopify professionals. Our experts can help you build successful online stores hassle-free.

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