Top 5 Future Trends to Assure your eCommerce Success

The world of eCommerce is changing and evolving. What was once a small niche market has now exploded into an industry worth over $4 trillion!

Yet every evolution comes with new challenges, it’s on you how you keep up with them? The answer shouldn’t be by having just certified Prestashop developers or Magento commerce experts on your side.

Because the only way guaranteeing success is to stay informed on future trends and adapt your business accordingly.

Below, we have researched & discussed 5 future trends that will change how we buy and sell goods in the near few years.

These changes can either work with what’s currently popular to create a better experience for customers or disrupt the way things have been done until now, which means more opportunity for those who plan ahead.

So, if you are an eCommerce owner ready to indemnify success for your online business, then read the following by relating to your business.

Augmented Reality Shopping
Augmented Reality is the future of eCommerce. It allows you to see products from all angles and touch them before purchasing with just the tap of your phone screen.

No need for any pesky clicking or searching when there’s an option that takes up less space on our handsets, plus gives us more information at one time than ever before? Sounds good, doesn’t it??

E-Commerce companies have already started integrating AR into their brand through features like “3D pictures,” which let users explore items as if it was real life and view close-ups from all angles — giving them a better idea of where those eyes go so we know there’s something worth checking out below the surface level.

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Voice Shopping
Voice-activated technology is increasingly popular. Being on the verge of becoming a whopping $40 billion tech by 2022, savvy retailers & brands are using it as an opportunity for increased customer interaction.

Its ability to create more personalized shopping experiences keeps your customers coming back again and again!

The best part is that you can find anything on your favorite site with ease. A group called AI will help sort through search engine results so users don’t have to spend time clicking around looking at products they may not want or need to find what’s right for them.

For instance, a lot of people love using their voice on Amazon. You just speak into the mic and let them sell it for you while making sure everything sounds natural-no matter what brand is being sold (or how many items there are).

Just ask a certified Prestashop developer to integrate voice search module, and it would become as easy as pie for your audience, that even a granny can order her warm bag without requesting anybody for it.

Also, each result in voice shopping suits the person’s personality as per the age & other data collected about them, and Voila! Deliver instant personalized shopping experience right off.

Multi-Channel Customer Comfort
Traditionally, customer support was handled by phone. But with the rise of eCommerce and internet shopping, multiple other channels have earned their way inside – including email addresses, social media pages, live chats, video support, where customers can leave messages for brands directly without needing an account first.

However, your team can’t stay active 24 hours a day, and it’s no guarantee that your customer wouldn’t find trouble when you’re asleep, right?

In that case, allow AI chat bots to take some load off your shoulders. Optimized to answer most familiar to most rarely raised user queries, these chat bots work as a receptionist to your online business and never let any potential buyer slip out of your hands.

Note: The recent Prestashop upgrade smoothens the 3rd-party integration process, allowing merchants to integrate automated chat bots into their store for all-time customer interaction and brand building.

Artificial Intelligence in Analytics & Upselling
AI analytics in eCommerce is like a game-changer. It brings you critical insights into your customers’ journey and provides them with actionable intelligence to improve the shopping experience for every user, not just power users.

These AI analytics are infused with machine learning algorithms and provide valuable insights driven by your prospects’ shopping behavior & product interests.

AI today has crossed unbelievable advancements. It can help in upselling your products by suggesting upgrades or additional buy options when a customer has reached their limit on an item they purchased from your store. And with cross-selling, it further pitch them related items that might appeal as well.

Auxiliary Payment & Subscription Options
The days businesses considered cool for offering debit and credit card options are faded long ago. If you strive for growth today & in the future, you got to offer new payment options to your audience.

You may be surprised to learn that multiple yet convenient options have arrived today in the eCommerce utopia. For example, suppose your customer is buying from abroad and wants the product as soon as possible. In that case, they can choose an express delivery service that will have their order delivered within two days of purchase for just $10 extra per item.

Such additional services elevate your customer satisfaction & brand loyalty while helping you stand out. Fortunately, Prestashop upgrade supports amazing external add-ons that help you leverage these acute marketing functionalities.

If talking about subscription models, then we’ve even seen businesses offering their customers outstanding payment & loaning options viz gift cards and friend loan cards.

As enticing these options appear, it takes quite hassle out of your customers’ hands while ensuring increased sales and higher personal satisfaction.

Closing opinion
What will the next five years of eCommerce look like? That’s a difficult question to answer, but we can be sure that it will involve changes to customer behavior.

With the trends we’ve discussed above, retailers need to start thinking about how they want their customers to interact with them in 2022.

If these trends sound exciting or overwhelming to you at all, don’t hesitate to reach out!

Our eCommerce team of certified Prestashop developers is ready with everything from strategy to consulting services to full-service implementation, so that no matter which direction online commerce moves in the coming years, your company will stay prepared.

What do you think? Have any new ideas or predictions for 2022 shopping? Let us know in the comments.

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